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雨が激しく A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall:ボブ・ディラン歌詞の和訳 |
ボブ・ディランの曲から「雨が激しく」A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall(壺齋散人による歌詞の日本語訳) どこへいってた? 青い目の息子 どこへいってた? かわいい息子よ 躓いてしまったよ かすんだ山すそで 歩きつかれたよ 高速道路を 迷い込んだよ 七つの森に さまよい出たよ 静かな海辺に 遠くまで歩き続けた 墓場の入り口まで 激しく 激しく 激しく 激しく 雨が激しく降ろうとしていたよ 何を見てた? 青い目の息子 何を見てた? かわいい息子よ 赤ん坊の周りを 狼が囲んでたよ ハイウェーには 誰もいなかったよ 木の枝には 血が滴ってたよ 部屋の中には 血まみれの男たちがいたよ しゃべり続ける人々の 舌はみなもつれてたよ 子供たちはみな 刃物を持っていたよ 激しく 激しく 激しく 激しく 雨が激しく降ろうとしてたよ 何を聞いたんだい? 青い目の息子 何を聞いたんだい? かわいい息子よ 雷の音は 脅迫のようだった 波の音は 世界を飲み込みそうだった 太鼓をたたく男たちは 手が燃えていた 無数のささやきを 聞いてるものはいなかった 飢えた男をあざ笑う声が聞こえた 詩人の歌声はドブの中に消えた 道化が道端で叫ぶ声が聞こえた 激しく 激しく 激しく 激しく 雨が激しく降ろうとしてたよ 誰と会ってた? 青い目の息子 誰と会ってた? かわいい息子よ 小さな子供が 死んだ子馬にまたがってたよ 白人が黒い馬にまたがってたよ 若い女の体が燃えてたよ 少女が虹のように輝いてたよ 恋にさいなまれた男がいたよ 憎しみでずたずたになった男がいたよ 激しく 激しく 激しく 激しく 雨が激しく降ろうとしてたよ 何がしたいんだい? 青い目の息子 何がしたいんだい? かわいい息子よ どこかに身を避けたい 雨が降る前に 森の奥へと身を隠してしまいたい 人は大勢いても みな手ぶらで 毒饅頭が洪水に飲まれながら漂ってて 谷間の底の家が廃墟と化していて 人殺しの顔が不気味にのぞいていて どうしようもない飢えが心を寒々とさせ 色といえば黒ばかり 数はゼロばかり 言葉には出せず 考えにもまとまらず 見ようとしても 姿がみえない どうしていいか わからなくなって 歌を歌わないでは いられないような気持ちだ 激しく 激しく 激しく 激しく 雨が激しく降ろうとしてるから ボブ・ディランが1962年にリリースしたアルバム "Free Wheelin" に収録 |
A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall : Bob Dylan Oh, where have you been, my blue-eyed son? Oh, where have you been, my darling young one? I've stumbled on the side of twelve misty mountains, I've walked and I've crawled on six crooked highways, I've stepped in the middle of seven sad forests, I've been out in front of a dozen dead oceans, I've been ten thousand miles in the mouth of a graveyard, And it's a hard, and it's a hard, it's a hard, and it's a hard, And it's a hard rain's a-gonna fall. Oh, what did you see, my blue-eyed son? Oh, what did you see, my darling young one? I saw a newborn baby with wild wolves all around it I saw a highway of diamonds with nobody on it, I saw a black branch with blood that kept drippin', I saw a room full of men with their hammers a-bleedin', I saw a white ladder all covered with water, I saw ten thousand talkers whose tongues were all broken, I saw guns and sharp swords in the hands of young children, And it's a hard, and it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard, And it's a hard rain's a-gonna fall. And what did you hear, my blue-eyed son? And what did you hear, my darling young one? I heard the sound of a thunder, it roared out a warnin', Heard the roar of a wave that could drown the whole world, Heard one hundred drummers whose hands were a-blazin', Heard ten thousand whisperin' and nobody listenin', Heard one person starve, I heard many people laughin', Heard the song of a poet who died in the gutter, Heard the sound of a clown who cried in the alley, And it's a hard, and it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard, And it's a hard rain's a-gonna fall. Oh, who did you meet, my blue-eyed son? Who did you meet, my darling young one? I met a young child beside a dead pony, I met a white man who walked a black dog, I met a young woman whose body was burning, I met a young girl, she gave me a rainbow, I met one man who was wounded in love, I met another man who was wounded with hatred, And it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard, It's a hard rain's a-gonna fall. Oh, what'll you do now, my blue-eyed son? Oh, what'll you do now, my darling young one? I'm a-goin' back out 'fore the rain starts a-fallin', I'll walk to the depths of the deepest black forest, Where the people are many and their hands are all empty, Where the pellets of poison are flooding their waters, Where the home in the valley meets the damp dirty prison, Where the executioner's face is always well hidden, Where hunger is ugly, where souls are forgotten, Where black is the color, where none is the number, And I'll tell it and think it and speak it and breathe it, And reflect it from the mountain so all souls can see it, Then I'll stand on the ocean until I start sinkin', But I'll know my song well before I start singin', And it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard, It's a hard rain's a-gonna fall. |
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作者:壺齋散人(引地博信) All Rights Reserved (C) 2009 このサイトは、作者のブログ「壺齋閑話」の一部を編集したものである |